Empowerment and awareness: UW hosts sexual violence prevention series


Throughout the month of May, the University of Waterloo’s Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Office (SVPRO) is spearheading a crucial initiative to combat sexual violence on campus. Coinciding with Sexual Violence Awareness Month, SVPRO has organized a series of presentations aimed at fostering a safe and supportive environment for all students.

The series kicks off on May 9 with a talk by Christine Taylor from the Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centre of Waterloo Region (SADTVC). Taylor’s presentation will provide insight into the immediate and comprehensive support services available to students in crisis, directly from hospital care to legal and emotional support. “When you come to us, you are not just receiving medical attention — you are being heard and supported throughout your recovery process,” Taylor said during a pre-event interview.

Each week features a new topic, with subsequent speakers addressing domestic violence, human trafficking, and the array of services offered by SVPRO itself. The talks are held on Thursday evenings online to provide greater student accessibility. Notably, on May 23, Nicky Carswell, who works at the Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region, will discuss the alarming trend of ‘sugaring’ and how to stay safe in a form of exploitation that has become increasingly prevalent among students. 

Chris Martin, a coordinator at SVPRO, emphasized the importance of these events: “It’s about removing the stigma and addressing the discomfort many feel about discussing sexual violence. By bringing these issues into the open, we empower our community to seek help and support each other.”

The series not only educates but also offers practical advice on bystander intervention and how to handle disclosures of harassment, especially in workplace settings like co-ops —  a common component of UW’s education model. “Our aim is to make everyone on campus aware that help is available at all times, and you are not alone,” Martin added.

These talks are pivotal not just for raising awareness, but for shaping a campus culture rooted in consent and respect. The university has set up promotional booths and provided online resources to ensure information is accessible to everyone. Interested students and staff can register for the upcoming talks through the SVPRO portal at University of Waterloo SVPRO Events

Engagement doesn’t end in May. SVPRO offers ongoing workshops and support sessions throughout the year, covering topics from healthy relationships to allyship and leadership, particularly with a talk on men’s roles in supporting gender equity available this June. 

As Sexual Awareness Month continues, UW encourages the community to participate and actively learn how to contribute to a safe campus. For those looking to attend the talks or seek more information, visit SVPRO’s official website.