Electrical engineering professor honoured for image quality research

University of Waterloo is home to the recipient of the 2014 Steacie Memorial Fellowship, given to annually promising scientists and engineers. The E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship honors Edgar William Richard Steacie, a chemist who made significant contributions to science in Canada.

Each year, NSERC presents this award to researchers who have a potential for major impact present in the faculty of Canadian universities.

Prof. Zhou Wang is a leader in a developing technology that can precisely predict how an individual can view the quality of images and videos. His work is assisting in the understanding of the quality of video on demand, HDTV, 3DTV, Internet television, and wireless video services, as well as technology in the medical and education industries.

The structural SIMilartity index, or SSIM, is a standard developed by the professor for measuring image quality objectively. NBC, Cisco, and Motorola are a few of the companies which rely on this method to provide their hundreds of millions of customers with the best possible perceptual quality.

He is one of six winners to receive a grant of $250, 000 over the next two years. According to Wang, he will use the grant to fund his research in the area of visual quality of experience. For his contributions to this research, Wang was elected as an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellow.

This university has become one of Canada’s top universities in the field of engineering and technology. Projects such as the one being performed by Dr. Wang, promise a brighter and a more innovative future for Canada.


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