Drag Club stuns in back to school show

Photo by: Jansheer Saeed

The UW Drag Club had its first show of the term in the SLC Multipurpose Room on Sept. 27.

UW drag artists performed for an audience of over 50 people in a dimly lit and intimate setting, where performers interacted extensively with the viewers. 

Leanne Mendonsa, known by her stage name, the Diktator, appreciated the opportunity to be close to the audience.

During her piece, she roamed from the stage to the back of the room, occasionally grazing her hands with audience members’. 

“I think my favourite part is the crowd interaction and seeing people excited about drag…it’s really really fun to perform to people but also just to perform for myself,” she said. “It’s relaxed, it feels like I’m performing with a family, there’s no pressure. Look at these amazing people here, they make it so easy for me to feel like it doesn’t matter what I do because everybody here supports everybody.”

The show started with a lip-sync performance by the Dallas Ryder, who began their drag career a year ago.

For Ryder, drag offers freedom of expression that doesn’t hinge upon gender. 

“This is a way for me to express theatre and also explore gender in a safe, fun space—it’s,  it’s kind of carefree,” they said. 

Along some new performers were some veterans, including the founder of UW Drag Club, Brie Treviranus, aka George Swooney.

They finished the show with an energetic joint performance featuring Manny Manila to the song Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’. 

The Drag Club meets every Tuesday from 8 to 10 pm in MC 4064. 


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