Campus Question: Do you think there is a problem with large crowds on Ezra for St. Patrick’s Day?

Colston M, 1B
Mechatronics Engineering

“Yes it is a problem. I don’t really know how it should be dealt with, but it shouldn’t be too bad this year because it’s on a Tuesday.”

Amirah M, 4B
Global Business and Digital Arts

“Yes it is definitely a problem. The city should just embrace it, and instead of continually trying to shut it down, turn it into an event. I would say the city and the universities should work together and create a fence that will allow for crowd control….”


Laura K, 4B
Global Business and Digital Arts

“It’s not a problem until people make it a problem. It can definitely get really rowdy, and more like a rave as opposed to a party. I think students should really calm down and be mindful and respectful of themselves as well as other people.”

Yazan Q, 2A
Nanotechnology Engineering
Etido T, 2A
Nanotechnology Engineering

“ I don’t think it’s a problem, but it should definitely be controlled. I would say to make it an event that is regulated.”

“I would say there needs to be more authority on site. More officers to regulatepeople and keep them in check, and way more medics on site because people do put themselves in danger.”


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