As winter time arrives, exams come flushing in and all hell breaks loose. Being time-efficient becomes a huge problem. Here is a five minute Christmas card that you can put together for your loved ones. Materials: Black cardboard or soft board, scissors, and a silver/golden marker.

First, cut the black cardboard or soft board into the shape of your choice, preferably an ornament shape. If you do not have time, leave the board in the shape of a square. Then, using the silver or golden marker, draw an x-axis and y-axis from the center of your board.

Next, draw a 45° line on each section of the board. In other words, just draw four lines with the same-ish distance from each other across the center of the paper (to be safe, use a ruler to draw your lines). Then add two to three arrow heads on each line.

Decorate extra spaces with silver or golden dots of your choice to make it look even fancier.

Then, write “Merry Christmas” or “X-Mas” if you are lazy or have run out of space. 

To be a little more crafty, punch a hole in the top of your circle. Then insert a strand of yarn or string, tie a fancy knot, and you get a ornament-card that you could hang on a Christmas tree. There you have it, a five minute Christmas card! Save money and save time.

Photo taken by Ju Hyun Kim


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