Discovering the HMS erebus


The Centre for International Governance Innovation hosted a talk by three members of the Franklin expedition search team on Feb. 4. The team found the wreckage of one of the two ships that made up the Franklin expedition this past summer, identified as the HMS Erebus. 

Marc-André Bernier, chief of underwater archeological sciences at Parks Canada; Douglas Stenton, director of heritage at the Government of Nunavut and adjunct assistant professor of anthropology at UW; and Adrian Schimnowski, operations director of the Artic Research Foundation, shared their experiences from the search. Schimnowski provided details of the summer on the Martin Bergmann research vessel, while Bernier highlighted the importance of the indigenous knowledge provided by the Inuit. It was Inuit oral history, combined with an on-land discovery by Stenton’s team, that pointed the team toward the search area where the ship was discovered.


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