“Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest!”


The Palestinian Youth Movement and Occupy UW organized a rally of over 100 people on Wednesday, May 29 with the aim of placing pressure on UW to “disclose all its investments and academic and financial ties, to divest from all institutions on the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) list, as well as weapons manufacturers and defense contractors, and to boycott all Israeli institutions and goods,” said Sarah Ahmed, an Occupy UW representative. 

The rally began at 6 p.m. in the parking lot of Westmount Place plaza, moving up Westmount Road and eventually to the university campus, where they arrived at roughly 8 p.m. Protestors occupied the area outside the UW encampment where multiple speakers were invited on a podium before the crowd to hold speeches and lead chants. 

“No longer will their tactics overwhelm the scent of death and blood of our Palestinian brothers and sisters,” an organizer said to the cheering crowd. “We stand in proud solidarity with the UW encampment, with the student intifada, until disclosure and full divestment.”

Disclosure is referenced by protestors in disagreement with the lack of financial clarity on the part of UW in funding institutions with ties to Israel. In February, UW Voices for Palestine called on the university to end its exchange program with Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) which collaborates with the Israeli military in the development of weapons and surveillance technology. UW details their active relationship to Technion, and that the partnership involves reciprocal visits with presidents, joint conferences, and workshops: “This partnership holds great potential for advancing scientific knowledge and promoting economic growth in both Canada and Israel,” the university wrote.

Several universities, including McGill, already disclose that they provide investment to weapons manufacturers that the Israeli military is reliant on such as Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, etc. The BDS movement, referenced by Ahmed, describes on their official website that “Israel is only able to act with such impunity because governments, companies and research centers cooperate with and support its military and security industry.”

Protestors on UW campus reiterated this rhetoric with chants such as, “Arms embargo now!” and “Disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest!”

This demonstration is part of a larger pattern of protests on campuses starting in April 2024 at Columbia University. In Canada, support for Israel has dwindled as the war continues to escalate. An Angus Reid poll from February 2024 found that 41 per cent of Canadians believe Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians compared to 32 per cent who do not. 

“People can’t afford to live. People are so overworked, people are so tired. I think then, seeing that their government is sending like $40 million or $60 million or how many million dollars to go support, you know, a genocide in another country,” said Shatha Mahmoud, an organizer for the Palestinian Youth Movement. “Even if you were completely disconnected, you’d be like, why is my government supporting that and not supporting me, you know, living here.”