Dig in to UW’s gardening events!


University of Waterloo staff and students were given the opportunity to try gardening, thanks to the Waterloo Climate Institute. According to their website, The Waterloo Climate Institute is committed to “accelerat[ing] the transition to a just, resilient, low-carbon future, nurtured by a thriving natural environment and resilient communities”.

Did you know that digging in the dirt can release microbes that stimulate serotonin production? This is just the kind of thing one could learn at the Community Gardening as Climate Action event. The event was hosted at the North Campus Community Garden which has been around for decades, inspiring local gardeners and providing fresh, local food to the community. Community Gardening as Climate Action was a two-part community gardening session which took place on Oct. 6 and 13.  

The coordinators of the events, Michelle Martin and Shane May, were looking to bring together students of different faculties to cultivate change and discuss the effects of gardening on the reduction of climate change. Students also had the opportunity to learn all sorts of gardening tips and tricks and get their hands dirty. Student volunteers were put to work planting and transplanting the multitude of fruits and vegetables on the property to create a perennial hedge. Everything from garlic to rhubarb is cultivated in the garden. 

The next event offered by the Institute will take place today from 1-4 p.m. and will focus on planting medicinal herbs. While the Community Gardening as Climate Action events are now over, event coordinators are looking to set up a regular bi-weekly session next spring for university students.