Cutting edge research in waterloo


by Sarah Givlin

The University of Waterloo constantly has different trials and studies going on.

How physical activity effects  MCI and Dementia patients

This is a blind trial that compares centre based activities with home based ones. People chosen for the centre based activities will attend a physical activity program with other patients while the home based one will adhere to a physical schedule and will receive monthly check up calls.

Laura Middleton is the assistant professor who is conducting this study.

They will be putting people in different atmospheres which allow a determination of how different locations affect motivation and progress. Each activity and level of involvement is tracked and allows a better understanding of how people with these diseases interpret each exercise and what they like or dislike.

This study also allows them to determine what moving and exercise does for the brain in these patients.

The effects on how motion sickness is developed in children and adults

The effects are studied while putting adults and children through real and virtual realty experiences. This is run by Michael Barnett-Cowan, an associate professor at UW.

All of our senses are connected with how we perceive reality.

This study focuses on how we perceive movement, coordination, decision making and object recognition.

They put people through real life and virtual simulations to see how senses affect motion sickness.

“Talk treatment”

Talk Treatment is an intervention based study that welcomes people with social anxiety to talk about their thoughts, feelings, social situations and memories.

This study is conducted by Professor David Moscovitch and is set up by postdoctoral fellow Mia Romano. During the study, individuals complete separate interviews, questionnaires, and computer exercises related to group sessions and how they felt in group.

Exploring weight management in humans and how diet and exercise differ between people with low bone density.

Created by UW professor Lora Giangregorio, this study aims to reduce injury and increase safe physical activity for people with low bone density.

Scans like bone and neuro scans are performed to enhance the look at medical imaging in this field.

This study is put into practice through government and non profits through community organizations.

Physiotherapists and kinesiologists are also able to go through a two-day workshop to assess the right exercise put in place for each participant.

The effects on people’s balance after neurosurgery is conducted by Bill McIlroy.  Bill Mcilroy is a professor and department chair at UW who developed this study to see how the brain can recover after injuries such as strokes.

This study shows how neurological injuries affect balance in everyday life.

Check back to the Science and Technology section for more information about ongoing studies at UW.


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