Cut vs. complete: UW denies funding cuts

Harshitha Damodaran

Matthew Grant, UW Media Relations Director, denied reports in the Toronto Star that the provincial government has cut its $25 million funding to the Institute of Quantum Computing (IQC). 

There are no mentions of the words “quantum” or “computing” anywhere in the 2019 Ontario budget.

Despite that, Grant said that the institute will continue with their operations as planned.

“There have been no cuts to funding at IQC by the Government of Ontario. We continue to do cutting edge research and are always looking for new ways to secure support for quantum technologies at UW,” Grant said.

The Government of Ontario has been a strong partner on quantum research, but their funding agreement with the government was “completed” at the end of March 2019, Grant said.

Whatever the nuances of UW’s distinction between “cut” and “completion” are, the province’s funding to IQC will not continue. 

Grant said that IQC still receives funding from the federal government. 

In 2018’s federal budget, a renewed $15 million in funding was announced, which was promised to be given over the period of three years.

The provincial and federal governments’ early support to IQC helped position Canada as a global leader in quantum science and technology. 

IQC has grown to be a world-leading research hub over the past 15 years since its inception with the help of the Ontario Government — help that has now been “completed”. 

Quantum research is already seeing application in cybersecurity, health, and resource exploration, and has already made an impact. 

The current investments from the Federal Budget 2018 will ensure Canada can continue to attract the scientists, engineers, technicians, and students needed to realize the full opportunities of the quantum revolution.

Grant said that IQC looks forward to continuing their relationship with the federal government, however, with the new minority government now in place, he would not be able to speak to future actions the government may or may not take. 


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