Coconut Chocolate Balls


New year, new me, as they say, and I am sure at least half of us (yes, including me) have set a New Year’s resolution to eat healthier. However, with healthy eating, here is a kind reminder that you can still indulge in the foods you love. This recipe is perfect for such indulgences and will leave you guilt-free but satisfied. Inspired by fashion blogger Aimee Song’s Coconut Chocolate Balls, this will be your go-to snack to satisfy any chocolate cravings. 






Food processor (alternative: fork, knife, spoon and spatula) 

Ingredients *measurements may vary depending on the size of your dates 

1 cup of cacao powder

½ cup of coconut oil 

½ -¾  cup of mashed Medjool dates (10-15 dates) 

½ -¾ cup of thick coconut shreds 

½ cup of chopped dark chocolate 

Optional ingredients

Small-sized seeds e.g., hemp, chia, flax seeds

Dried fruit e.g., cranberries, gooseberries, mangoes 


If you do not have a food processor, slice and smash the Medjool dates into a semi-paste. Combine the cacao powder, coconut oil and dates. Then, fold in the coconut shreds and dark chocolate. Make sure the coconut shreds are thick enough to provide a good texture and chew. Optionally, you can mix in small seeds and dried fruits to spice up your chocolate balls. 

If you have a food processor, process the dates, cacao powder and coconut oil into a paste. Then, manually fold in the coconut shreds, dark chocolate and any optional ingredients.

Proceed to roll the paste into balls and cover with coconut shreds.

Altered to fit what I believe creates the perfect coconut chocolate balls, this recipe provides antioxidants from dark chocolate, healthy fats from coconut shreds, uses dates instead of sugar and has many more benefits. It is a comfortable start to “eating healthy.” 

Remember to take it slow and don’t eliminate all the indulgences you love. If eating a chocolate bar induces a greater feeling of happiness than eating this recipe, allow yourself to indulge every now and then. This recipe is chocolate with a healthy twist, but if it is not your cup of tea, don’t feel pressured to adapt this recipe for the sake of being “healthy.” 

In 2022, we should promise ourselves to redefine “healthy eating.” It should be a balance of loving and caring about your mental and physical health. Make sure you also eat enough healthy and satiating meals to induce greater nutrients for your body! 

For Aimee Song’s original recipe, click here.