Co-op fee to increase by $30


Earlier today, Co-operative and Experiential Education (CEE) announced that the co-op fee will be increasing by $30, or four per cent of the current fee. According to the CEE’s Instagram post, the increase in cost came as a “difficult, but necessary decision . . . required to limit the impact of inflation and cost-of-living increases on the co-op program.” 

CEE consulted with several groups in making the decision: WUSA, Graduate Student Association, CEE Council, Graduate University Relations Committee, Undergrad Student Relations Committee and Co-op Student Council. UW’s Board of Governors will vote to approve the cost increase on Feb. 7. 

In the post, CEE wrote that they would be cutting costs in various areas in an effort to combat inflation. This includes reducing staff travel and aiming for more virtual meetings, as well as cutting costs of printing and promotional materials. CEE also stated that existing services for students will not be affected by the fee increase. 


For more information and a full cost breakdown, visit the CEE website.