Campus Watch


Growing concern over thefts at Wilfrid Laurier University

The Record recently reported that 23-year-old Jeremiah Rojas, a former don at Wilfrid Laurier University, has been arrested for more than 60 charges of break-ins and thefts at Waterloo College Hall and Little House. He is expected to be in court March 28.

Computers and cellphones are among the $20,000 worth of items stolen from students in residences which he previously supervised.

However, thefts from Little House residence are still being reported as of this past weekend. Detectives will continue to investigate whether these eight most recent thefts are related to previous incidents. Police are asking anyone that has any information to contact them at 519-650-8500, ext. 4499.

Student’s acceptance to Western jeopardized over offensive tweet

According to Maclean’s magazine, a high school student’s tweet regarding applications for advanced entry to Western’s honours business administration program caused her application into the university to be denied.

Sunali Swaminathan, the program’s recruiting manager, was looking through students’ tweets regarding questions about applications when she came across the account of DJ PU$$ PU$$. From this account the applicant stated that “this ivey application makes me want to projectile vomit into the head of admission’s mouth.” Swaminathan’s response to the comment? “Duly noted.”

Any Internet posts including curse words or racist and sexist comments are not tolerated by universities and workplaces.

Students are encouraged to &ldquo;consider whether what they say is consistent with the reputation they want to build,&rdquo; said Swaminathan in a statement to <em>Western News.</em>

<b>UBC works to improve campus safety</b>

Following the recent series of on-campus sexual assaults, the University of British Columbia is looking to better the safety of their campus, reports <i>UBC News.</i>

A campus safety working group has been established. The group is looking to improve campus security by implementing a more intensive level of patrols. Other safety measures include turning up streetlights from dusk to dawn as well as the potential increase in the use of surveillance cameras. The campus safety working group has also recommended university and RCMP partnership.

The group is working towards their “goal of developing a caring and safe campus community” to ensure the safety of all UBC students and staff. 


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