Campus Question: What did you do over the Thanksgiving Break?

Ali Moeini, 1A Honours Mathematics

“For one day I went to Toronto with some friends, and we had fun, and after that we started working on some assignments and midterms, and we studied in all the possible places you can study in campus.”




Lauralee Gookool, 2A Honours Mathematics



Over  Thanksgiving I hung out with friends, we had our own cookout in our apartment, and I studied a lot.”





Nguyen Vu, 1A Honours Mathematics


“Over Thanksgiving I had a Thanksgiving dinner with Power of Change, and after that I went to do assignments with my friends, but because it is Reading Week it is more relaxing than normal studying.”





Parth Thakur, Graduate student ECE


“Over Thanksgiving I pretty much stayed at home watching Netflix, had a TV dinner, warmed it up in the microwave and just had it…I didn’t do anything special.”






Yu Hoi Chun Sam, 1A Geography and Aviation


“Mainly just studying for midterms…I mean I also played video games and I went out to do some shopping as well, but mostly studying for midterms.”



Tim Nie, 1A Materials and Nanoscience


“I went to London, it was pretty historic, I went there because I have some friends there…we had lunch and it was wonderful.”


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