What are your concerns about the coronavirus?

Joshua Perlman,
1B Math

“My general concern is mostly with the risk of infection across campus, were any of our students to contract the virus.  I do however think that our medical authorities have been very professional about it and their experience with SARS incidents that happened in the past.  I mean with any virus there’s that risk of infection disrupting local systems, but I’m fairly confident that we’ll be okay.” 


Grant Sinha,
1B Computer Science

“So I think my only concern would be someone on campus contracting the virus and then the risk of it spreading around campus.  But, I think I have faith in medical professionals.  It seems like their on top of the coronavirus, especially more so than with the SARS coronavirus.  Like for example, WHO reacted to it faster than with SARS.  I think the risk is mostly…I think the risk is very small.  I think we’ll be fine.” 



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