A holiday checklist for students

Graphic by Sarah Morassutti

Getting organized for the holidays is one of the best ways to ensure that you enjoy more and stress less. Luckily, the music of Mariah Carey provides a fantastic reminder that the holidays are just around the corner — so if you’ve already heard her song this season it’s safe to say the time has come to make the perfect holiday checklist. With so many things to do and send out, you can always refer to this list to see if you’re missing something. 

  • Set a budget: 

The holidays are meant to be a time where you reconnect with your loved ones and rejoice in the moment.  But, of course, who can forget about all the holiday events and gifts? Setting a budget is a lifesaver for this reason, especially when you’re planning to spend big throughout the month. So, allocate a budget for all the activities you have in mind, from buying gifts and decorations to Christmas meals.

  • Create a gift list:

This is arguably the most exciting part of this checklist — deciding what to buy for others. First, make a list of everyone you want to purchase gifts for this year and write some things they like in front of their names.  Make sure to be considerate when deciding on the gifts, because a little extra effort always goes a long way. Some ideas could include buying perfumes, personal care items, books, or even a helpful gadget. You can also consult someone’s wishlist for more ideas on what to get them. And remember — buying gifts early not only gives you time to relax, but also saves you from the hassle and rush experienced at the very last minute. Besides, who even likes standing in exhaustingly long checkout lanes anymore? Help yourself by doing it before everyone else.

  • Checking your holiday inventory:

This is an important part of the list, and spending some extra time here is justifiable. Take account of all the wrapping paper, scotch tape, decorations and cards you have and see if this meets your needs. If not, you’re ready to go out and buy (new or used), because knowing what you have and what you don’t allows you to spend only on necessities. You can always check for smaller items at the dollar store, as they’re often quite budget-friendly. 

  • Decorate your place:

Giving life to used decorations is always a good idea, or you can even get them at a discounted price from many thrift stores around town. From ornaments and fairy lights to brighten up your tree to candles and small planters, there are plenty of small things you can get that are perfect to get you ready for the holiday season. Everything is up to you, so get what helps you relax the most. When it comes to the Christmas tree, having a big one isn’t a requirement, and no one’s going to judge you for a smaller display. Decorating a small tree or just your living space does the trick — after all, it’s all about bringing the holiday spirit out. What’s important is that you make it look amazing. 

  • Sending out cards:

Now that you’re probably done with all the decorations and gift planning, it’s a great time to get writing . Whether you decide on sending emails or actual cards, it’s the thought that counts. This is a great time of the year to show your loved ones and friends that you’re thinking about them. So, write an email or a card to your friends, neighbors, teachers, and even co-workers whom you don’t see that often.

  • Have fun!

This is the most important part of this list, since no holiday season is complete without some fun. So, for this step, create your perfect playlist, get some games or another activity and enjoy with your friends or family!