6 Things I wish I had known about life after university


by LC

TAKE A DEEP BREATH. Finally no more exam stress! You are a graduate.

Here are a few things to consider now that you are heading out into the real world.

CAREER: Job-hunting is an unavoidable evil and rejection is inevitable. If you do not nail it and get the job, it is ok. Interviews provide practice; you will nail the next one. You may not find the job you want or are looking for right away. The job you find will allow you to build your experience and skill set. Things never go as planned so be prepared to make career changes along the way.

CLOSET UPGRADE: You are not going to nail that job interview in your UW hoodie and sweatpants! You need a killer interview outfit. I suggest researching the position and company culture to see what is acceptable.

FRUGEL DAYS ARE AHEAD: Let us talk finances. I suggest saving as much as possible. Make a budget and stick to it. I know, I know, you have student loans to pay. Do not stress about paying those off right away; you have some time before you have to start paying them off. Work. Save. Repeat.

LIVING SITUATION: Things they are a changing. They are about to anyways! You have shared a house or residence with a roommate or two and now it is time to asses this living situation. Your bank account will feel it but really, it is time to make a house a home. Nothing is better than having your own cozy place. Embrace the independent you.

ROUTINE WITHDRAWL: You will feel lost for a while. You were accustomed to the University life routine for years, and you WILL miss it. No one tells you this because you have to make it up as you go. I suggest you do it quickly because the real world waits for no one.

THE LIFE AFTER UNIVERSITY YOU: Expectations for you are high. You are about to learn a ton about yourself. This is a huge transition period and I suggest you embrace it. The self-doubt will kick in. Do not undervalue yourself. Aim high in all situations. You are worth it!


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