Warriors make it to the last four



by Syed Naqvi

The Waterloo Men’s Rugby team has made it to the  semi-finals of the OUA. The team standing in their path to the semi’s: Trent. However, Trent was not their only opponent on Oct. 27, with rain and a cold weather equally opposing them in their pursuit of glory. But, their unquenchable thirst for success enabled the Warriors to overcome both their opponents and crush Trent 21-5 to book a spot in the semi-finals of the OUA.

Mitch Voralek was once again the star of the show as he opened the scoring for the Warriors with Sam Newhook also playing an equally important role to put the Warriors up by 7-0. With the weather and conditions totally against them, Warriors, just five minutes later found another breakthrough. This time it was Paul Kaija who punched in the try at the line and Voralek was, yet again, on hand to hit the convert. The score-line at half time read 14-0 in the Warriors’ favour.

The second half began and the Trent players came back rejuvenated and with the wind also blowing favourably for them, they controlled the play. However, it was in this time period that the Warriors’ defence came to life and expelled all the attacks from Excalibur. However, the incessant attacks from the Excalibur did finally bear fruit for them as they broke the Warriors’ defence for a try. However, they didn’t take full advantage of the try as they missed their convert. With only ten minutes left, the score was 14-5 in the Warriors’ favour.

Realizing that they have to counter this constant threat from the Trent Warriors went back on the offense. Harrison Cooper scored one more try and this was followed by another kick from Voralek who made the score 21-5 for the Warriors. Voralek scored 6 points in the game and made his tally for the season 130.


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