Campus bulletin, Jan. 11


Upcoming events

January 2017

“Save a life at UW.” Blood Donor Clinic begins January 25 to 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Multi-Purpose Room. Stop by and bring a friend – we’ll bring the cookies!

Wednesday, January 11 — Imprint’s first paper of the winter term. Weekly papers continue until April 5. Watch the paper for upcoming workshops — lots of volunteer opportunities.


Mondays ­­­­— BA? MA? MBA? If you’re so smart why waste time and money? G.A.! Gamblers Anonymous meetings every Monday at 7 p.m., St. Marks Church, 825 King Street, W., Kitchener (basement).

Help needed

GO Transit commuting students ­­­­— if you commuted from UW or WLU on Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. on the 401 to Square 1 in Mississauga and recollect the bus mishap that had an occupant thrown to the floor of the bus and other passengers in disaray, please call Diane at 226-338-9640 or email


Learn to play ­­­golf — instruction by UW Golf team – 2016 OUA Champions. Proceeds will help pay expenses to the National Championship. Golf clubs supplied. Email Dave at for info, session dates and times.


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