Feds elections candidates announced

<strong>Update:&nbsp;</strong>Tenzing Kuyee has withdrawn from the council race and Chanakya Ramdev has an acclaimed senate-at-large seat in addition to his engineering council seat.

With the 2014-2015 Feds elections fast approaching, candidates for all positions have been announced. The executive race has three full teams running, they are as follows:

<strong>TEAM Spark</strong>

President: Danielle Burt, Math<br />
VP Education: Renishaki Kamalanathan, Arts<br />
VP Internal: Maaz Yasin, Arts<br />
VP Operations and Finance: Ben Balfour, AHS


<strong>TEAM Green </strong>

President: Mohammad Bdeir, Engineering<br />
VP Education: Stephane Hamade, Math<br />
VP Internal: Saleem Khan, Math<br />
VP Operations and Finance: Raghda Sabry, Arts


<strong>TEAM Nova </strong>

President: Jesse McGinnis, Math<br />
VP Education: Luke McIntosh, Arts<br />
VP Internal: Anjali Gopal, Engineering<br />
VP Operations and Finance: Elizabeth McFaul, Math


<strong>For the Students Council elections, several councillor positions have been acclaimed including:</strong>

Anand Balram, Environment<br />
Brandon Gaffor, Environment<br />
Anne Marie Hayman, SJU<br />
Chanakya Ramdev, Engineering<br />
Julian Wang, Engineering<br />
Raahem Yazdani, Engineering


<strong>In the race for student senators, two positions have been acclaimed:&nbsp;</strong>

Mohammad Nasif, Science<br />
Alexander James David Wray, Environment


<strong>There is one open senate seat for arts and one at-large seat. Candidates are as follows: </strong>

Alanna Benson, Arts<br />
Dayna Nelson, Arts<br />
Soheil Koushan, At-large<br />
Christos Lolas, At-large

<strong>There is one acclaimed senate-at-large seat:</strong>

Chanakya Ramdev, Engineering<strong>&nbsp;</strong>

<strong>Candidates for students council:</strong>

Dayna Nelson, Arts<br />
Doug Turner, Arts<br />
Guile Domingo, Arts<br />
Khadija Hamidzai, Arts<br />
Param Puri, Arts<br />
Shaf Khan, Arts

<br />
Billy Ye, Math<br />
Christos Lolas, Math<br />
Cynthia Chi-Yau Chan, Math<br />
Elizabeth Liu, Math<br />
Febrian Sidharta, Math<br />
Jack Li, Math<br />
Jazbel Wang, Math<br />
Shahzeb Khan Durrani, Math

<br />
Adam Assaad, Science<br />
<em>Anjali Arya, Science (withdrawn)</em><br />
Carly McCready, Science<br />
Nena Abuseir, Science<br />
Kianna Wan, Science<br />
Mohammad Nasif, Science<br />
<em>Tenzing Kuyee, Science(withdrawn)</em><br />

In total, nine races will be decided during this year&rsquo;s Feds elections. Campaigning begins Jan. 28 and ends Feb. 11 when voting commences and continues until Feb. 13. Imprint will host a media debate with the executive and senate candidates Tues. Jan. 28 in the SLC Great Hall beginning at 11:30 a.m.


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