Campus Watch


Unfair labour practice complaint filed by Carleton University campus safety worker

Ontario Public Service Employee Union (OPSEU) has filed an unfair labour practice complaint with the Ontario Labour Relations Board following Carelton University’s order that a campus safety worker remove their union buttons and stickers. OPSEU argues that it is an anti-union demand, whereas Carleton states that they do not conform to uniform policy. 

OPSEU President Warren Thomas said, “I do not believe for a minute that Carleton University is acting out of concern about their uniform policy. This employer is attempting to undermine contract negotiations,” according to an OPSEU release.

Campus safety workers have been previously encouraged to wear Remembrance Day poppy pins and ribbons in support of the campaign to end violence against women by Carleton University according to&nbsp;<em>Canadian News Wire</em>.

Brent Gobeo, bargaining team chair and OPSEU Local 404 vice-president commented, &ldquo;I have been told to remove my union button, yet my employer has never had a problem with me wearing a pin or ribbon before. First we had to call in a conciliation officer to help with our contract negotiations, and now the employer is being openly anti-union. This is not the best way to arrive at a collective agreement with your staff.&rdquo;&nbsp;


University of Ottawa campus master plan is moving forward

The University of Ottawa’s campus is a place to study but not a place to stay, with crowded space and devoid of common areas for people to study, hang out, and talk, according to feedback gathered by a consultant team working on the university’s master plan, according to the Ottawa Citizen

The team found two dozen reoccurring themes that they look to fix in the university’s master plan for new direction and development of the campus. Some of the feedback from the staff included need for a better defined pedestrian network, as well as more green space, new labs, and research space. 

“Newer buildings have utility and distinction and accommodate students well,” according to one of the common ideas, “but on the other hand some structures have run their course and need to factor into new thinking … and those needs may not match the past building trend or type.”

Toronto design firm Urban Strategies is the university’s lead consultant. 

In the past six months, the first phase of the project was initiated in response to the city’s planning for transit-oriented development. It is expected that the master plan initiative will be completed in the summer of 2015. 

Before an open house that will be held later this month, consultations, planned consultations with groups of students, residents, and city representative will be taking place. An “invitational visioning workshop” will be held in this month prior to the open house.


Alleged sexual assault and robbery

Police are investigating an alleged sex assault and robbery near Dalhousie University campus. According to CTV News, a 23-year-old woman felt her hair being pulled from behind Jan. 30 while she walked down Edward Street around 9:45 p.m. 

Police report that the suspect left suddenly when the wallet was dropped on the ground; the victim then ran into the computer science building and called a cab to take her home. The suspect is described as 45 to 50-years-old, with a husky build. He was wearing a black raincoat style jacket, dark jeans, and a black baseball cap. 



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