Tennis player nets Rookie of the Year

The UW tennis program had a lot to cheer over this year. Two of their players were awarded by OUA. One was given to John Chan, a first-year physics student from Whistler.

Surrounded by mountains, Chan got into tennis because he lived near some courts and loved playing with his dad. He quickly fell in love “due to its competitiveness, intensity, and physical nature.” Chan chose to attend Waterloo because of its acclaimed co-op program and academics even though it’s quite far from home. The tennis program also appealed to him.

In October 2013, Chan played at the OUA championships. He was an all-star that season and up until his third slight singles match against Montreal’s Jonathan Rioux, Chan was undefeated in singles play.

When asked via email how it felt to be named rookie of the year, Chan said, <strong>&ldquo;</strong>I felt very honoured to receive both the rookie of the year award and as well as the all-star award (sic). Since it was my first year playing varsity tennis, I did not expect myself to perform this well.&rdquo;

Chan continued to say that tennis was one of his top priorities during the season, so earning the title was &ldquo;really rewarding.&rdquo;

Over the summer, Chan said he plans to coach tennis. In preparation for the next season, he will keep his skill up by practising on and off the court.

&ldquo;My goal for next year is to have a perfect season, as this year I was one loss away from doing so.&rdquo;


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