UW Visual Arts Club makes art accessible for all

The UW Visual Arts Club recently held their second show, where club members displayed their work for students to admire and bid on.

The main goal of the event, held March 26 in the SLC, was to fundraise money for the club so that they can afford new supplies. This will allow club members to experiment with different forms of art.

The club promotes giving any student, regardless of skill level, the opportunity to express their creativity through art.

“It’s for any student, any faculty, any year that can come in and spend an hour and a half every week working on something they like with no regulations,” said Shivani Jivan, founder and president of the club.

The club is relatively new on campus, starting only two terms ago, but has quickly grown to 50 members.

Courses in the fine arts department are primarily exclusive to fine arts students, so students in math, engineering, or any other faculty can only take those courses if there are open spots and they submit a course override form.

“Because we’re not in fine arts it’s hard to get into the courses here, so I wanted to provide an outlet for students who still wanted to do art,” Jivan said.

Their first show, another fundraiser, helped the club raise $150 which went toward Art Building Children’s Dreams, a charity group whose goal is to help Tanzanian children complete their education.

Going forward, the club hopes to expand its membership as well as continue to promote talented artists outside of fine arts.

“I feel like the arts are not appreciated at Waterloo as much as it should be, and there’s a lot of hidden talent behind every faculty,” said Jivan.


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