Tim Hortons in DC and SCH now accepting debit

UW Food Services (UWFS) locations on campus are moving into the 21st century by adding debit machines as a payment option. In the last year, UWFS has installed debit at Brubakers in the SLC, Browsers in Dana Porter, Bon Appetite in DC, Subway, and the Tim Hortons in both DC and South Campus Hall.

UWFS is working on adding debit to all major food locations according to Travis Schmidt, UWFS marketing and communications coordinator. The SLC Tim Hortons will undergo renovations this summer, which will involve installing debit machines.

“The plan is to add it everywhere we can, basically,” Schmidt said. Debit will only come to the larger food outlets, so the smaller coffee shops like Liquid Assets in Hagey Hall are likely to remain cash and Watcard only.

“It wasn’t anything we didn’t want to do, we want to make it as convenient as possible for people, it just took some time,” Schmidt said on why debit machines were not previously installed. In order to install the machines, some locations have had to undergo minor renovations, which is why smaller locations aren’t worth the work Schmidt said.

“Some of the facilities, in order to get the data line, take a long time or aren’t even possible.”

Along with adding debit machines, UWFS is looking to start accepting Tim cards and Starbucks cards at its <a href="https://archive.uwimprint.ca/article/4350-get-out-your-wallets-starbucks-is" target="_blank">future location</a>. A similar process to installing debit is needed to process gift cards, which is why they are currently not accepted.

The SLC Tim Hortons, while having debit installed, will also undergo renovations, leaving it closed for a few weeks later in the summer &mdash; the exact dates have yet to be decided. Schmidt said when it opens back up it will have a wider selection. While the SLC location is closed, a satellite Tim Horton&rsquo;s will open in Brubakers.

While debit is something students have voiced a desire for &mdash; two OMGUW posts this week reference debit at campus Tim Hortons &mdash; UWFS is still encouraging students to use Watcards for payment.

&ldquo;It&rsquo;s the fastest way to get through,&rdquo; Schmidt said adding that debit has a longer transaction time. UWFS offers a five per cent discount when students use their Watcard at one of their establishments.

&ldquo;The goal is to have debit in as many as it make sense,&rdquo; Schmidt said. UWFS does not have a specific timeline for when debit will be available at all major locations. Currently their <a href="https://uwaterloo.ca/food-services/locations-and-hours" target="_blank">website</a> identifies which locations are now accepting debit. &nbsp;


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