Farvolden Day lecture brings together ground water specialists

The 2014 Farvolden Day lecture series took place Oct. 24 and showcased three great lecturers: former UW professor Dr. Peter Fritz; UW professor Dr. Philippe Van Cappellen; and UW grad, now industry specialist, Paul Martin. Farvolden Day is an annual lecture series hosted and planned by the department of earth and environmental sciences conducted every year in honour of Dr. Robert Farvolden, a former UW professor and dean of science.

Farvolden founded the Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research. The annual lectures are an opportunity for students, faculty, alumni and the scientific groundwater community to get together to discuss the evolving science of hydrogeology.

Fritz&rsquo;s talk was titled <em>Hydrogeology, a Changing Science?</em> and addressed hydrogeology as an interdisciplinary, modern, and ever-changing science. He spoke about his time working at UW with Farvolden and how it was at the frontier of bringing hydrogeology from an engineering-focused science to one focusing more on disciplines such as chemistry, as is the case with groundwater isotope analysis.

Fritz continued his talk focusing on how to address important generational issues. He spoke on involving young scientists in enforcing environmental, political, and economic concerns of groundwater as well as striking a balance between the science and engineering aspects of hydrogeology. He finished off speaking about his not-for-profit organization, Water Without Borders, and the importance of integrating education and outreach into hydrogeology research.

The other two lectures focused on different aspects of hydrology: Van Cappellen spoke on the environmental and biogeochemical effects of river damming, while Martin gave his perspective as a consultant on source water initiatives in Ontario.

The day showcased applicable and current hydrogeology research and brought everything into perspective by considering the future of groundwater science. Students and faculty were able to network after Fritz&rsquo;s lecture.




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