Campus Watch

<strong>Exec of UOttawa student association resigns after allegations of sexual harassment</strong>

After allegations of sexual harassment back in September (101 Week), Yaneric Bisaillon, vice-president of university affairs of the International, Political and Policy Studies Student Association (IPPSSA) has resigned.

Arezoo, the first-year political science student who brought up the allegations against Bisaillon, asked the <em>Fulcrum</em> not to publish her last name.

In a Facebook post Bisaillon said, &ldquo;I made an awful joke to a female student, and I deeply regret it.

&ldquo;I have resigned from my position on the IPPSSA executive, and want to assure everyone that my actions do NOT represent the views of our student association that has been home to me my time at the University of Ottawa,&rdquo; he said.

Bisaillon explained he jokingly replied to a comment made by Arezoo, which at the time he felt was meant to be taken as a joke.

&ldquo;I will choke you,&rdquo; Bisaillon admits to have said to Arezoo.

Arezoo, however, has a different account of the encounter.

&ldquo;He said, &lsquo;I&rsquo;m going to choke you in bed,&rsquo; while looking right through my eyes and holding my shoulders in the middle of the dance floor,&rdquo; she said in an interview with the <em>Fulcrum</em>.

Arezoo said two people witnessed the verbal encounter: a close friend and a 101 week leader.

In an attempt to explain and defend himself, Bisaillon said he thought the laugh after his comment would give her the impression he was being &ldquo;sarcastic.&rdquo;

&ldquo;In hindsight, I realize how violent and hurtful my words are. I realize how choking can be present in sexual and other physical abuse, but I did not mean that in a sexual way at all,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;I thought it was obvious that I was joking, but it clearly was not, and even as a joke it is an absolute terrible thing to say. As a student leader, I should have known better.

&ldquo;The people who know me well know that at times I can be an impulsive person, and that I make very rash comments and joke. I wish I was different, and, in fact, will work towards becoming a better person,&rdquo; Bisaillon added.

Arezoo said that the &ldquo;tone&rdquo; and &ldquo;framing&rdquo; of Bisaillon&rsquo;s Facebook post left her feeling &ldquo;victimized.&rdquo;


<strong>Carleton collects fall break feedback after two-year trial</strong>

Carleton University is looking to collect feedback from Nov. 11 to 14 concerning the continuation of a week-long fall break after a two-year trial.

According to Carleton&rsquo;s <em>Current Students</em> online page the question will be presented as follows:

&ldquo;Would you be in favour of continuing a fall break based on the above information?&rdquo;

Some of the information and conditions students need to agree with to continue a one week break in the fall schedule include: shortening orientation week by one day when necessary: exams on Sunday during the final examination period in December;:and exams might have to be scheduled right up to Dec. 23.

Students will answer either &ldquo;Yes, I am in favour of continuing a fall break,&rdquo; or &ldquo;No, I&rsquo;m not in favour&rdquo; based on the information above.

The university senate holds the final decision on whether or not to continue the one-week fall break.


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