Maple-Glazed Rush

What fuels Canadians? Tim Hortons. What fuels students? Dangerous amounts of caffeine. Now, I don’t want to get ahead of myself by saying that this is possibly the most amazing idea to happen in Canada since the invention of insulin, but it’s hard not to.


Just sit down for a second as I lay this out for you. <em>Pause for dramatic effect</em>. Caffeinated doughnuts.


Sure, getting a coffee or tea gives you caffeine and you might be thinking, &ldquo;Jessica, why would anyone want to buy caffeinated doughnuts?&rdquo; I think the sight of poor university students sitting in DP with four coffee cups scattered around their cubicle or with the absurd extra-large sized cup is telling enough. Wouldn&rsquo;t it be great if you could skip the hassle of drinking ridiculous amounts of coffee and making ten bathroom breaks and instead just eat a doughnut?


We&rsquo;ve seen edible caffeine sell, like in the case of <em>Awake</em> chocolate, but it is a bit pricey. At Tim Hortons you could get a caffeine-infused doughnut for a loonie and then maybe if you are feeling desperate you could pair it up in a coffee combo for under the price of one <em>Awake</em> chocolate bar.


Plus, the flavor combinations are endless: coffee and cream, earl grey tea, frappuccino, matcha, or maybe some unorthodox flavours like Monster, Red Bull, or Perky Jerky (caffeinated beef jerky is apparently a thing as well).


This product basically a university student&rsquo;s dream treat and the fact that Tim Hortons hasn&rsquo;t done this yet leaves me disappointed in both their R&amp;D team and our technological progression as a nation.


So come on Tim Hortons, if you can introduce crispy chicken sandwiches and kettle chips the least you can do is satisfy our caffeine rush and munchies all at once.


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