This Week in Imprint – January 23, 2015


Hey readers! Here's a few highlights of the January 23 issue of Imprint. As always, you can find Imprint issues across campus, or check us out at


Feds Council and Senate Nominees — It's that time of year again! Feds elections are coming up, and with it come a lot of names that you're going to have to be keeping track of for the rest of the term. Fortunately, Imprint is here for you. Check the image above for a list of all the candidates running this term, and stay tuned for more info on their platform in coming weeks.


Man, I feel like a woman! — Imprint's latest column, Club Cruizing, meets with different clubs across campus and tells you what they're all about. In the inaugural column, Zhe Tang visits the UW Nail Salon meeting, kicks back with the girls, gets his nails did, and even learns a little bit about his own outer beauty.

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How to avoid next week's salty water crisis — One of the many things to worry about when trying to keep our water clean is reducing the salt levels … which can be a bit of a problem when everyone's going to be salting their driveways for the next three or four months. Find out more about Waterloo's Curb the Salt program, along with the problems of rock salt and de-icing alternatives, in this week's science section.

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Apparently the ultimate warrior is well-travelled — Your old gym teacher was right, sports really will take you places! Waterloo's Ultimate Warrior series, a school spirit-building competition, is offering $2,000 to the winner of the Ultimate Warrior challenge, which will be decided at the men's volleyball match on Jan. 31. Finalists were chosen after completing such arduous tasks as the puck toss or throwing pizza boxes, and with only two slots left, the competition is heating up. Check the article to find out how you can be the Ultimate Warrior!

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Your assignment has suddenly immolated — School's already stressful enough without having to deal with your essays experiencing spontaneous combustion, but the fact is, it's going to happen eventually. Fortunately, this week's Assume Everything features a thorough guide to analyze what manner of misconduct is at play here and what you can do about it. Still, it might just be safer to have multiple copies of your assignment anyways. Just in case.

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