University president goes one-on-one with students


University of Waterloo President Feridun Hamdullahpur had the chance to speak casually with students during a Stop & Talk session in the SLC Great Hall Oct. 5. The session was an informal event where students could simply walk up to Hamdullahpur and begin a discussion.

Hamdullahpur didn’t have any topics in mind going into the Stop & Talk; instead, he started conversations with students as they arrived. For many students, he began by asking what their majors were and if they had any concerns with their program.

The event was the first of its kind and also reflects other actions the president has taken recently to improve student outreach, like beginning visits to first-year classes.

“I’m always trying to maximize my time with students, but there are so many other demands,” Hamdullahpur told students. “You’re the reason I’m here, I don’t want to miss the opportunity.”

In addition to talking to students about their experiences, Hamdullahpur had the chance to talk about his academic experiences, such as his experience teaching as a thermodynamics professor or his own interests in research, particularly in energy and fuel.

Any students who missed the chance to share their concerns with the university president will have another opportunity at the President’s Town Hall, Nov. 22 at 10 a.m. in Fed Hall.


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