Uni’d this: essential tutorials for all your uni life needs


Last minute beauty

We all want to look like we woke up beautiful, even if we didn’t. Here are some helpful hints to help you get where you’re going when you’re in a rush.

Rinse with mouthwash if you’re running a little late in the morning. Your hands will be free to fix your hair while you gargle away bad breath and bacteria.


No time to shower? No problem. Use baby wipes for a quick refresher (until you can shower, that is). Dry shampoo comes in handy at times like this. Just a few spritzes, tousle your hair, and style. Of course, don’t forget to use deodorant.


Finish up your face, get dressed, and you’re out the door.

The charmer

We all want to ace that interview for the perfect job. Here are some beauty tips to keep in mind so you can charm your potential employer.

Eyebrow grooming is a must. I recommend cleaning up your brows using tweezers, or paying a professional to do it right. Groomed eyebrows convey that you are well put together.


Exfoliate & moisturize
Most of the time, men tell me they don’t moisturize. That leads to dry skin and dead skin cell buildup, so, the night before your big interview, you’ll want to exfoliate your skin. Maybe throw on a clay mask and definitely layer on the moisturizer. Moisturizing will help reduce redness in your skin caused by irritated dry skin.


Hand cream
Well manicured hands are a must, especially when you have to shake hands with many different people. It’s not very appealing to touch dry, rough, or dirty hands, so ensure your hands and nails are clean and moisturized.



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