WRPS install cameras around Uptown Waterloo ahead of St. Patrick’s Day


The Waterloo Regional Police Service (WRPS) installed closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV) around Uptown Waterloo to prepare for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.

According to their website, police said the CCTV project will be piloted for four days to “support police response to crowd management issues and response to criminal events in relation to St. Patrick’s Day.” They added that footage not used for a criminal prosecution will be “permanently and securely deleted” immediately after March 19. 

CTV News Kitchener reported that signs noting the cameras were located on Noecker, Brighton, and Elgin streets.

“I don’t have a list of the locations, however I do know that all signage has been posted in the affected areas,” said Cst. Brad Hickey in an email to Imprint.