The Ravens’ Curse – Waterloo Women’s Basketball record 12th straight loss against Carleton


No, that is not a misplaced apostrophe in the title. The Warriors team has faced 12 losses against the Ravens, a record that stretches back to November of 2010. Their most recent loss was last Saturday night at the Raven’s Nest at Carleton University in Ottawa.

The game ended at 74-48 for the Ravens, who could credit a selection of players for the win. Kali Pocrnic scored 20 points for the Ravens, but also contributed by taking the lead in assists for the game, with six assists. Pocrnic was supported by Kyana-Jade Poulin, who played evenly through the court – scoring 16, but with three rebounds and three assists. Poulin and Pocrnic seemed motivated, having attempted 36 shots between just the two of them, making up for 54 per cent of the total field goals attempted from the Ravens’ end.

The Warriors were unable to defend well against the Ravens. 36 points for the Ravens came some of the 30 turnovers. The strong offensive nature of the Ravens was evident in their taking 14 more shots and shooting 9 per cent better than the Warriors, whose scoring was led by Ghiselle Poblete. Poblete scored 14 points, taking 12 from 13 shots, and making two free throws. Nehita Oko-Oboh and Summer Pahl did their best to win the ball as often as possible, with 12 and eight rebounds respectively.

The Warriors slip from first to second in the West conference of the OUA season. Trailing Guelph by 28 points only in ‘Points For’; the total points scored in a season, the Warriors will look to recover to the top spot in the conference against Ontario Tech, on Feb. 2.