WUSA seeks compensation from GRT following transit strike


After over a week without bus service, Grand River Transit workers approved a new contract with the Region of Waterloo. Service resumed on May 11. 

To appease customers, the region said all transit services, including the Ion LRT, would be free from May 11 to 22, and anyone who purchased a May bus pass before May 8 will receive a complimentary pass for June.

In light of this compensation, WUSA is seeking a month’s reimbursement for students covered under its U-Pass program. A letter outlining this request was sent to the city’s principal planner on May 11. 

WUSA president Rory Norris said in a statement to Imprint, “We are very happy to hear that the Grand River Transit bus, MobilityPLUS and busPLUS services will be running again, starting May 11. I know that for many students, this time without buses was difficult, and that is why it was important for us to advocate on their behalf to GRT through written communication in partnership with Conestoga and Laurier student governments. We are currently working with the GRT and other student organizations like the Waterloo Grad Student Association to ensure that students get an appropriate refund for the disruption in service.” 

Bus service in Waterloo stopped on May 1 after union staff could not reach an agreement with the city. All Grand River Transit (GRT) buses and MobilityPLUS buses ceased operation, and customer service centres were closed for the duration of the strike. 

Unifor Local 4304 represents GRT operators, reservationists, fleet mechanics and service attendants.