Make the Most of your reading week

Graphic by Sarah Morassutti

With the stress of midterms and assignments on the rise, it is great to know that reading week is right around the corner. Of course, for many of us, reading week will be followed by more midterms, so we’ll have to spend some time studying but there should still be enough free time for other activities so here are some suggestions for how you can make the most of your reading week.

Study for your midterms/classes

As mentioned above, midterms are around the corner so it would make sense to spend your reading week preparing for them. Additionally, if you want to, you could also spend some time getting ahead on schoolwork, either by studying ahead or by making a plan of how you would like to approach the rest of the term. You can also extend this to your extracurricular activities, and see if any preparation is required or could be helpful there. 

Catch up on your to-read/to-watch lists

University life can be hectic and that means that for some of us we have books, movies and TV shows that we haven’t been able to get to, so take this time to do exactly that. Consuming media is an amazing experience that is not only fun but also often educational. However, we end up having to forego it in order to catch up with our academic and extracurricular commitments. So let’s use this reading week to catch up on that. It sounds like a more fun interpretation of ‘reading’ week anyway.

Work on your hobbies

Take this time to work on your hobbies. Practice a musical instrument, write something new or learn a new skill. Of course, any of these activities will need more than a week to improve significantly, and you would have to spend some time on them during the rest of the term as well, but reading week is the perfect time to start building the foundation.


With the current pandemic this may not be the easiest option, but if you can then travelling is one of the best things you can do. Whether you take a trip to a different country or just to a local place that you haven’t visited in a while, it can be an extremely enriching experience. Be it just a change of scenery or the opportunity to explore new cultures, travelling always has its perks.

Take Rest

This is probably the most important point. Take this time to relax and catch up on any lost sleep from the term. Maybe listen to some music, draw yourself a bath or just spend some time with your thoughts in silence. A university student’s life can be very taxing so do whatever works for you to energize yourself for the second half of the term.