Predictive AI partners with UW Artificial Intelligence Institute


On Mar. 16, Predictiv AI, a software and solution provider in the artificial intelligence market, announced a new collaboration with the University of Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute (Waterloo.AI). 

This partnership will allow Predictiv AI’s subsidiary, AI Labs, to pursue its various innovations through leveraging Waterloo.AI as an extension of the Predictiv AI team.

“We are thrilled to have Predictiv AI join as a partner with Waterloo,” said Harold Godwin, managing director of Waterloo.AI. “This is a very exciting time for our university and Waterloo.AI, and we are grateful for the interest and ongoing support of our partners, including our newest, Predictiv AI.”

This collaboration will provide access to the world’s most advanced artificial intelligence resources, allowing for greater bandwidth in ideation, research, and development of solutions to real-world problems. 

Predictiv AI is looking forward to participating in and supporting Waterloo.AI events, while also introducing the program to other synergistic partners. Apart from having access to a pool of talented academics and their research and development team, the partnership also provides for round table discussions amongst Waterloo.AI partners.

“We are very excited and honoured to be working with one of the world’s leading artificial intelligence institutions. We will now be able to accelerate our innovations and scale our team’s productivity while learning new ways to approach projects with new and unique technologies,” said Michael Lende, CEO of Predictiv AI. “The formalization of this relationship is a crucial building block in our growth plans as it allows us to remain asset-light while simultaneously accelerating innovation on our artificial intelligence and deep machine learning-based solutions. We look forward to a long-term association with Waterloo.AI.”

Waterloo.AI was launched in early 2018 with support from various faculties and private industries. The founding co-director of the institute are Fakhri Karray, a professor in the electrical and computer engineering programs and Peter van Beek, a computer science professor.

Waterloo.AI is dedicated to the research of all aspects of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). It consists of over 200 professors and research associates across all six faculties at the university. 

Their researchers tackle some of the most challenging problems in artificial intelligence and machine learning. They believe that AI will change our lives, transform how we work, how we travel, how we treat disease, how we communicate and how we learn. 


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