WUSA Asks for Your Feedback on Its Long Range Plan


For a lot of University of Waterloo students, ‘WUSA’ might be a term that they have only heard in passing, or occasionally in discussions. But a lot of our student population does not realize that WUSA — or the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association — actively advocates for students and seeks every opportunity to involve students and hear their perspectives. Such is the current opportunity that WUSA presents: the chance to provide honest input for their Long Range Plan.

The WUSA Long Range Plan is a document highlighting a set of priorities and actionable items that were selected after WUSA President Abbie Simpson spent over a year and a half meeting with members, staff, and faculty at UW to learn more about the most pressing issues concerning UW students.

The document reports the last five years in terms of WUSA’s activities and seeks to shape the next five years (2020-2025) for UW students. 

Speaking on the Long Range Plan, Simpson says in her letter to students: “A long-range plan brings clarity to an organization by setting future priorities. It outlines the major initiatives that the staff and student leaders of WUSA will work together to achieve.” She further describes that “a long-range plan paints in broad strokes. It does not highlight every detail, nor does it account for everything an organization does. Projects or other areas, not included in the long-range, will still see forward motion within WUSA.” 

The key highlights of this plan are divided into two types of priorities as follows:

Thematic Priorities 

  1. Make it easier and more accessible for students to engage with WUSA and our constituency societies 
  2. Continue commitments to build belonging and campus engagement 
  3. Support continued personal and professional growth of our students and staff  
  4. Serve students efficiently through our commercial services and operation of the Student Life Centre 
  5. Increase student support 

Advocacy Priorities 

  1. Housing 
  2. International Students 
  3. COVID-19 
  4. Equity and Accessibility of Education 
  5. Affordability 
  6. Educational Quality 

The implementation of these priorities and the vital role of student involvement will keep WUSA executives accountable, which will help this plan make the university a safer and more inclusive community for all students. 

This is your opportunity. Have your voice heard, and help build accountability for WUSA.

Simpson is happy to answer any questions and hear feedback and input on the Long Range plan from any students who wish to get involved. Simpson can be reached at pres@wusa.ca

The Long Range Plan can be found on WUSA’s website. 


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