WUSA elections: What you need to know


On January 27, Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA) officially released their nominations for the upcoming Winter 2020 election. Candidates for President, Vice President Education, Vice President Operations and Finance, Vice President Student Life, Student Council and Student Senate were announced.

For more information on candidate platforms, students and faculty can come see an electoral debate hosted by Imprint for the executive position roles. Here is everything you need to know about the upcoming election.

Here is a brief list of nominations outlining the Executive roles.


Simpson, Abigail (Team Vision)

Wong. Stanley (hey hey hey)

McGuire, Kevin (Team Extinguish)

Vice President Education

Town, Megan (Team Vision)

Sawhney, Jasraj (Jasraj Sawhney)

Vice President Operation and Finance

Guevara, Alana (Team Vision)

Vice President Student Life

Abouelnaga, Nada (Team Vision)

Qin, Zihui (LittyUW)Tan, Ian (Ian Tan)

SURI, MANAS (Beeba Bois)

Important Dates

The upcoming election entered its campaign period on January 28, running until Feb. 6. Within that time period, voting will also begin starting Feb. 4-6.

Online voting begins at 12 a.m. on Feb. 4 and closes at 11:59 p.m. on Feb. 6. Results for the election will be released by WUSA in the SLC Great Hall on Feb. 7 at 10:30 a.m.

Student Senate

The UW Senate is comprised of University admin, faculty and elected student leaders.

The Senate is responsible for any issues relating to academic quality, including the granting of degrees, setting program requirements and approving academic regulations. Candidates also run to represent their faculty, including all undergrads.

Some of the issues they are concerned with include Fall Reading Break and program requirements.

Students’ Council

Students running for council aim to represent their faculty, college or campus.

The councillors will oversee the WUSA Executives, Board of Directors, determine priorities for WUSA fees and approval of the fees, and decide what WUSA advocates for and how it is run.


During the voting period, students have the option to vote online at vote.wusa.ca or vote in person at WUSA’s on-campus polling stations.

More information on these polling statements will be released by WUSA in the time leading up to the election.

WUSA uses a ranked ballot system where students rank candidates from most favourite to least.



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