Campus Question

Ikkshita Vinaya, 1B
Environment and Business

“The bus strike has been affecting me really badly because I have to look for apartments nearby and I cannot go and then I have to take an Uber which is very expensive. I have to go to the mall, nearby shopping places to get my regular stuff and I cannot so I am low on supplies and have nothing left in my room to have or eat and all my groceries are out. That’s very sad. This is the biggest inconvenience I’ve ever faced here.”

Laila Risk, 2B
Biomedical Science

“I have to wake up a lot earlier in the morning to get to class I walk like 20 minutes as opposed to 10 minutes to get to class. It’s really hard to go grocery shopping, I’ve actually had to order my groceries online. It’s really hard to get to places and it’s cold outside. It’s hard to cross the street in the morning. We all pay so much every semester for the busses and it’s hard to get the ION to go places because not everyone lives close to the ION.”

Rashimi Gopaul, 1B
Biomedical Science

“I’m in my first year so I live in residence. I don’t really need to take public transportation unless I just want to go to the supermarket. I rarely leave my room, I’m kind of anti-social so no. I just study and watch YouTube videos. I’ve made friends with people in res, I don’t really know anyone else.”

Tyler Zhang, 4A
Computer Science

“The bus strike hasn’t really affected me. I was lucky enough to live on Lester Street this term so the campus is just a 15-minute walk away so I don’t have to take the bus. I usually stay on campus or go to Conestoga mall and the LRT still takes you there so that’s not a big issue. I don’t really go to any other places, I just started UberEating McDonald’s instead of bussing over there.”


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