What would be a good enough incentive for you to volunteer to be a notetaker?

Matthew Boodhoo, 1A Math

To be a volunteer notetaker, you have to be able to take good notes…I certainly don’t have it. But for those that do take good notes…the best incentive might be monetary.






Kate Lam, 4A Global Business and Arts

I think TAs are another position that fill an adjacent role and the way those positions are filled is because they’re paid, and I think that probably, I can’t think of any other incentive that would get students to actually participate. So, probably just making it a paid position and not making it a solely voluntary position.


Kiera McMaster, 4A Global Business and Arts

I take notes because I already type up my notes anyways, so I figured, since I’m already doing the work, I might as well share it with people who need the extra support. That’s the main reason why I do it.



Gregorio Magarelli, 4A Global Business and Arts

Just because I know the experience that the people who do take notes go through, it doesn’t seem like there’s much value put towards them, so maybe if they are seen more as people who help the community, rather than just a pat on the back, that would maybe incentivize them to do it more.


Alison Law, 4A ERS

I don’t need much, I’m just a really bad notetaker, even for myself.







Kathleen Stevens, 1A Honours Arts

I just think that at the end of a term, maybe have free pizza for everybody who decided to take notes for other people.



Austin Varghese, 1A Kinesiology

I’d want higher consideration when it comes to research with professors and better opportunities.


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