If you had a magic wand, what is the one thing you would change about our campus?

Rupert, 3rd year Geo and Aviation

“I would change all the construction that’s been going on since the beginning of my introduction.”





Natasha 3A ARBUS

“All the geese that are constantly blocking all the paths and it’s hard to get to class sometimes.”





Daniel, 3A Planning

“I would make the geese a hundred times larger, because one time I was bet whether I could fight a large goose or a hundred mini geese and I said the hundred mini-geese and they thought one large goose would be easier so I’d like to show them.”



Kassidy, 4A Math and CS

“I would definitely get rid of all the construction because I feel like it really impacts a student’s whereabouts…the thing is there’s a lot of entrances blocked off and you won’t know what’s blocked off until you try and take that path.”





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