Make your vote count more: volunteer!

photo by: Qiao Liu

During the weeks leading up to the election, political parties and Elections Canada have a lot to prepare for. 

With the upcoming federal election taking place on Oct. 21, parties have less than a month to influence voters. 

Getting involved with the election is one way to help shape Canada’s future. 

Regardless of political affiliation and beliefs, there are many ways that students can take part.

Get in touch with MPs

If citizens have personal experiences that they want addressed or just feel like voicing their opinion on any issues, they can contact their Member of Parliament (MP)and discuss the problem.  

Find out who your MP is by finding out what riding you live in (Waterloo, Kitchener-Centre) on the Elections Canada website. 

Volunteer with a political party

Parties rely on volunteers leading up to the election for most of the ground work. 

Speaking to potential voters on the phone, going door-to-door campaigning, putting up signs, fundraising, monitoring news coverage of the campaign, attending rallies and handing out pamphlets are all jobs political parties recruit volunteers for. 

Each party has a volunteer page on their official party website for people to sign up and provide their help. 

Work at a polling station

Poll workers are needed for a variety of tasks, mainly at polling places on election day. 

Essential requirements include basic literacy and interpersonal skills, and the ability to follow directions. 

There are many positions available, specifically for young people, at polling stations including deputy returning officer, responsible for handling ballots, and information officer.

“During an election, poll workers are the front line and make it possible for electors to vote in an orderly fashion,” the Elections Canada website states. 

Volunteer for a Single-Issue Organization

If you believe strongly in a specific ballot initiative, such as labour rights, environmental issues, reproductive rights, affordable housing, healthcare, education, or any other major ballot issues, you can take action by joining an advocacy group for one of these causes.

 Volunteer activities are similar to activities with political parties. 


With four weeks remaining before the election, no time is better than now to sign up. 

In addition to assisting with the election, one of the most critical ways to have a say in the election is casting a ballot. 

All Canadian citizens 18-years-old and over can and are encouraged to vote. For more information, visit


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