Don’t sweat it: UW startup for sweat free living


Chanakya Ramdev, founder of clothing company Sweat Free, and former student of Management Engineering at UW, believes that your clothing should do more than just cover you.

Ramdev set out to create a product that returned clothing to its original functional purpose.

“Instead of us wearing our clothing, our clothing now wears us.”

Motivated by a rather sweaty trip to Hong Kong, as well as the high-priced but low quality of clothing today, Ramdev sought to make clothing a “tool” again.

“In true UW fashion, the idea came out of a co-op experience I had in Hong Kong” Ramdev said.

He explained that his boss asked him to dress formally for work, but due to the humidity and heat in Hong Kong, formal wear resulted in a lot of sweaty days at work. Deodorant was useless and he lost the only two suits the he had. His frustration birthed the Sweat Free company.

Sweat Free undershirts works by killing the bacteria responsible for body odor called Corynebacterium which feeds on proteins and causes body odor. The company determined that by killing this bacterium before it is able to feed on sweat, body odor can be prevented. Providing both functionality and comfort in men’s wear and women’s wear.

Ramdev attributes a large part of his success to the university’s outstanding engineer program. “More than what it taught, it built my will power to put in all-nighters and finish stuff last minute.”

The school provided him with the tools necessary to start and develop his own business.

The founder of the company beams with pride at the university where he started.

“Just like BlackBerry lead the way in phones, the apparel tech developed right here in UW will be leading the way in apparel,” Ramdev said.

After working tirelessly to improve the weight and feel of their product, it is now extra thin, extra light, and ready for action.

With their technology complete, their manufacturing ready, fundraisers started, and their very first investor on board, the company is on its way to great success. Everyone can now look forward to sweat and odour free future days.

This article is not a paid promotion for Sweat Free nor does the author have any affiliation with the company.


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