Fire officials rushed to Ron Eydt Village on April 4 at 11 pm when one of the rooms in the west
quad caught fire. Students in both north and west quads were evacuated, as officials extinguished
the fire.
“While getting ready in my room, I heard a different alarm, different from the usual. As I left my
room to check what’s happening, I saw everyone on my floor leaving. I smelled something burning
and saw smoke coming out of the room across from mine. Everyone was freaking out and the
hallway turned black in a span of five seconds. When i opened the door of the floor, flames came
out,” Ananya Kantor, a resident of REV said.
No injuries were reported but due to excessive smoke and soot caused by the burning of plastic,
about fifty students on the floor (west C) have been asked to move to other rooms in the residence.
“Moving back and forth from my room to the new one is sort of a burden especially during finals.
My roommate and I have been given separate rooms which is another problem,” Kantor told
The room where the fire started was completely burnt. Both residents lost all their belongings.
“The whole room was black. Both residents of the burnt room were wearing white suits, gloves, and
masks and looking for something salvageable but there was nothing,” Kantor said.
The cause of the fire is still unknown, but it is estimated that the cost of damages is approximately


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