Happy Birthday, WatSolve!


by Lawrentina D’Souza


n November 22 nd , WatSolve – a Science and Business Consulting Group, celebrated 1 year of Operations and the end of a successful Fall 2018 Term with its associates, clients, and stakeholders.

WatSolve Consulting Group is a 5-department multi-disciplinary team that has been providing business support to student teams, start-ups, and companies since October2017.

WatSolve boasts over 10 clients, 15 internal projects, a 1 st place Fusion Case

Competition win, and a strong presence on campus; helping students through community events and clients through deliverable projects.

WatSolve has partnered with Velocity Science, Problem Lab, UW Research Library andis expanding to help more clients and involve more students; ready to resume their operations in Winter 2019.

Camelia Nunez, Associate Director of Velocity was a guest speaker at the event and said entreoreneurs help the company grow.

“The entrepreneurial mindset is important to have and WatSolve allows it to grow and thrive in its students,” she said.

While WatSolve’s Manager, Okey Igboeli commented that the team is thriving.

“Has really accomplished a lot in the past year, and [he is] looking forward to another year of creative and innovative business solutions,” Igboeli said.

Outgoing Coordinator Amir Alinaghian emphasized that WatSolve is beneficial.

“[The company] strives to make a positive impact and create value by solving clients’ toughest challenges,” he said.

While Incoming Coordinator Michelle Liu said seeing all the incredibly talented and hardworking individuals grow and develop professionally was her favourite part of the experience.

A noteworthy moment from the celebration was when Larry Smith from Problem Lab validated WatSolve’s efforts.

“There are two things that will get you far in the workplace – innovation and communication. WatSolve fosters both these traits and sets you up for success. You are worthy students to the tradition of the alumni established in the last half century. I applaud you all,” he said.

Congratulations, WatSolve Consulting Group – and Happy 1 st Birthday!


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