Your sexual health


By Riamarie Panachikal

On the case of hella hormones

To keep sex healthy, fun and safe, sometimes you have to use your head — no, not that head.  Throughout your university career, you may encounter a variety of concerns regarding your sexual health. There are multiple resources available on and off campus that assist with your unique concerns. Here are just a few to help you get started:

University Resources

Sexual Violence Response Co-ordinator (SVRC)

This position is held by Amanda Cook at the University of Waterloo (UW). Members of the UW community impacted by sexual violence can access the SVRC for support. The SVRC works to assist those impacted by sexual violence, works in partnership with the impacted person to assess their needs, and find remedies that suit those needs. The SVRC can also support students by connecting them with other campus and community resources. E: P: 519-888-4567 ext: 46869

Health Services (HS)

On an appointment basis, physicians can meet with students to help assess various sexual health concerns. Through HS, students can access counselling for a variety of needs including new diagnoses and health management. Physicians can administer confidential testing for sexually transmitted illnesses, provide prescriptions for birth control, and provide emergency contraception and pregnancy tests. HS physicians are also trained for assisting in LGBTQ+ specific needs. P: 519-888-4096. For free 24/7 consultation with a health professional: 1-866-797-0000. 

Counselling Services (CS)

If you require any counselling, stop by the new Needles Hall Extension. P: 519-888-4567 ext. 32655 .W:

Glow Centre

The Glow Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity is dedicated to bringing LGBTQ+ programming and advocacy to campus and the community. The centre is stocked with a variety of sexual health resources including internal and external condoms, non-latex condoms, lube packets, and dental dams. LGBTQ+ resources. E: P: 519-888-4567 etc: 38569. Room: SLC 2102.

Women’s Centre

The Women’s Centre provides various intersectional feminist programing for the UW campus and Waterloo community. Here students can find pregnancy tests, internal and external condoms, feminine hygiene products, including pads, tampons and liners. E: P: 519-888-4567 ext: 33457. Room: 2101


SHORE Centre

The Sexual Health Options, Resources & Education Centre can assist with unplanned pregnancies, provide free pregnancy tests, sexual health products like condoms, lube, and dental dams. The facility provides a variety of informational sessions and other resources. W: E: P:519-743-9360.

The Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region (SASC)

SASC can provide students with a 24-hour support line and counselling services for both adults and women specifically. They can help advocate for clients and mediate interactions with legal bodies, police, and physicians. SASC is able to provide a variety of educational resources and practical advice regarding sexual health. W: . P: 519-741-8633.

The Waterloo Region Sexual Assault Treatment Centre

Located in St. Mary’s General Hospital, this team of specialized nurses and social workers can assist you with any medical needs you might have after assault.

P: 519-744-3311



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