Volunteer with Imprint!

Graphic by Lea Clarin

Writing for a newspaper is more than reporting, it’s an adrenaline rush.

Journalists are always one step ahead of the game and they know everything that is happening on campus and in the community.

Imprint Publications is looking for volunteer writers, photographers, proofreaders, videographers, graphic designers, layout designers, section editors, columnists, and more to help get important information to students, faculty and staff.

As an Imprinter  you’ll get access to events, concerts, construction sites, labs, research facilities, and more that students want to know about that aren’t open to the public. 

Journalists interview people from all walks of life to tell their story to help others, to warn others, and to make historic changes at the university and in the community.

If you’ve ever wanted to talk to a politician, a musician, a video game designer, actor, lawyer, academic, medical doctor, or medical marijuana grower you can pitch your idea to editors. As long as it relates to students you can write it for the paper and the  website. 

If you don’t know how to write for a newspaper or don’t think you have the photography skills to publish your work, we’ll teach you.

As an Imprinter you’ll have access to online workshops on news writing, interviewing, photography, Photoshop, InDesign and more.

Imprint also hosts in-person workshops with experienced staff, one-on-one workshops for in-depth training and with media professionals from all over Ontario.

Volunteering at Imprint will also help you gain valuable life skills like writing active toned, tight reports, the ability to meet deadlines, work in a fast-paced environment, efficient research skills, job interviewing, time management and much more.

Imprint volunteers who take part in production nights get free food and laughs while they learn how a newspaper is put together and printed.

Volunteering with Imprint will also help give volunteers confidence so they can ask important questions, lead conversations, make connections and lasting friendships.

Imprint has a volunteer coordinator that makes sure Imprinters have fun while they work. The volunteer coordinator hosts free movie nights, pub nights, excursions and other fun activities students want to partake in.

For more information, to volunteer or submit a piece email editor@uwimprint.ca or stop by the office in the Student Life Centre in room 0137 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Victoria Gray

Executive Editor


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