Warriors defeated 3-2 by Rams in volleyball


On Nov. 22 6 p.m. the Waterloo Warriors played a deadlock game against the Ryerson Rams in women’s volleyball.

The Warriors won first set with 28-26 and the second set with 27-25. However despite their efforts they lose the last three sets with a score of 25-12, 25-15, and 15-7.

“The game today was well fought game, we played strong to take them out of their comfort zone,” said Warriors volleyball player Kayla Wierts post-match. “We won the first two sets and put up a hard fight.”

“We plan to go into next semester,” added fellow teammate Sarah Remedioa. “[This] is very exciting because we have a lot more home games. We will be striving the same way and staying aggressive.”

The Warriors end their year with a 5-set home game. Catch them playing their first home game next year on Jan. 13, 2018.


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