The game is short, and if discounted (I bought this game for 10 dollars, at a 50% discount) is well worth the price. In-game screencap courtesy Campo Santo.

Firewatch is a first-person linear adventure game that came out in September 2016. After a brief introduction to your playing character — Henry, you are off to start your job as a fire lookout in Shoshone National Park in the year 1989. Now, the reason they really needed fire lookouts there is that in 1988 Yellowstone Park had the largest forest fire in its history.

The game is short, and if discounted (I bought this game for 10 dollars, at a 50% discount) is well worth the price. There is a nice, linear story that develops along with the player’s surrounding interaction. Your character took this job to enjoy the peace and quiet of a national forest. Each day they embark on an adventure, with the help of their supervisor Delilah through a walkie-talkie.

There is a little room for off-story exploration but the major script offers a look at a great environment. Pros of the game include a nice atmosphere with a beautiful colour palette and few cool easter eggs. The cons include several minor story details and the simple fact that you can’t jump which prevents you from wandering off the target route (when you try to cross a boulder you shouldn’t, you can’t simply jump over). The interaction with nature feels limited, but in

The cons include several minor story details and the simple fact that you can’t jump, which prevents you from wandering off the target route (when you try to cross a boulder you shouldn’t, you can’t simply jump over). The interaction with nature feels limited but allows you to focus on the story.

While the story is short, I do recommend the game for anyone who had a hard day and wants to relax, escape into the wilderness of Wyoming, and you know … kinda watch out for fires? Good luck heading out to Old Shoshone, “where the birds and the bees won’t know you!”


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