IGNITE shows arts students’ spark


IGNITE, an exhibit showcasing works from fourth-year fine arts honour students, held its opening ceremony March 16 at the University of Waterloo Art Gallery (UWAG). IGNITE is the 43rd Annual Senior Undergraduate Exhibition, a tradition where fourth-year students can present their works to the larger Waterloo community.

According to IGNITE student co-chairs Faith Ashford and Izabella Zsabo, the exhibition is a culmination of the students’ four years of experience at UW, exploring varying themes and ideas.

The variety in IGNITE’s works went without saying. Through the different mediums used by the artists (including painting, photography, digital art, and installation) and the wide range of subject matter addressed, no two projects looked the same.

IGNITE will be in East Campus Hall until April 7.

Region of Waterloo Public Art Program winners:

Mayor Dave Jaworsky made an appearance at the exhibition’s opening to reveal the art that had been selected for the region’s Public Art Program, which will install the students’ works in regional building across KW. The winners were:

Kassia Kooy – Pancake Dinner with Neighbours

Carolyn Diemert – Midmay, Ontario

Vivian Diec – Obamas

Jan Fretz – Misogyny 1, 2, 3

Melika Hashemi – Sorry, My Back is Facing You

Erienne Rennick – Floral Vortex 

Thomas Bourque – Horizons

Curator’s Choice awards

This year, two artists were given the Curator’s Choice award by UWAG curator Ivan Jurakic. The winners were Melika Hashemi and Thomas Bourque, whose works Sorry, My Back is Facing You and Horizons, respectively,  were also selected by the Public Art Program.

“Both artists have shown tremendous growth since we did the first critiques back in fall 2016,” Jurakic said. “They’ve shown great growth and development and have delivered compelling and thoughtful artworks that I think both, in different ways, speak to the uncertain times we’re in right now.”


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